Tuesday, February 27, 2018

22 Ways To Cut Costs on Your Quality Inspections

How can we lower costs, while maintaining the highest standards of quality inspections?

SynControl’s new presentation: “22 Ways To Cut Costs On Your Quality Inspections” uncovers these cost savings, and is applicable to all kinds of manufacturers, from garments to mechanical products, and from decorative items to electronics.

What you’ll learn in this presentation

Quality managers and general managers will discover 22 ideas they may have overlooked until now, which explore how to lower product inspection costs, and in which situations they’re applicable, including:
  • Critical-to-quality checkpoints
  • Tweaks to the settings of industry standards (lower level, reduced severity, skip-lot schemes) and even going off-standard while controlling risks (with precise instructions)
  • How to optimize the inspection of many SKUs, with clear examples
  • How to automate quality inspection reports
  • Renting your own inspection center’s benefits
  • How and why to set up small teams that include merchandisers/purchasers and inspectors
  • Why flexibility can be gained by having inspectors do other jobs and/or hiring external resources
  • Improved training factory inspectors and getting their reports
  • Skipping parts of an inspection in order to save time
  • Applying penalties for failed inspections, or even third-party containment
  • How to set up a supplier management system that gives suppliers incentives to improve
  • Getting suppliers to implement corrective actions and/or better process controls
  • How to use favorable payment terms to reduce inspection frequency
  • …and many more useful ideas
If you’re interested in how to lower product inspection costs of products which are made in China, download this presentation for free by filling out the form on this page and hitting 'download presentation.'
Article Source: syncontrol

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